Men of Color Success and Excellence

Men of Color Success & Excellence

Phone Number: (619) 421-6700 Ext. 5889 
Location: Room 70-212

The Men of Color Success and Excellence (MOCSE) initiative is designed to empower men of color from diverse backgrounds to achieve academic excellence, cultivate strong identities, and build a network of support that fosters leadership and success on campus and beyond. 

Services for Students

Students who participate in the academy can receive:

  • Dedicated academic support that continues throughout the academic year
  • Class cohorts for students to take university transferable courses together, with additional tutoring and support
  • Enjoy a smaller class environment with a highly engaging instructor
  • Priority Registration
  • Meet with Mentors who will share tips and strategies to help you succeed in your career and transition after college
  • Participate in activities to empower students towards cultural, financial, social, mental, academic and personal success
  • Opportunities to make new connections and friends
  • Free Field Trips, workshops and events
  • Access to Gas Cards, Book Vouchers, Food, etc.
  • And MORE!

How to Join

Students interested in applying for Men of Color Success and Excellence resources can contact or call us at (619) 421-6700 Ext. 5889 or or send a text message to (619) 512-2331.