Southwestern College CalWORKs Program
(California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids)
The CalWORKs program provides low-income parenting-students the support and services needed to successfully pursue and obtain a college degree and beyond. Our knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated counseling staff provide personalized academic, career, and personal counseling to support YOU in your educational journey.
Eligibility for CalWORKs:
- Participants must be receiving CalWORKs cash aid and have an active CalWORKs case for their child(ren) and themselves.
How to apply to the SWC CalWORKs Program:
- Contact the SWC CalWORKs office and the staff can verify your case eligibility.
- Obtain a referral from your assigned County case worker (ETA/ECM). The SWC CalWORKs staff will reach out to you once the referral is received to schedule an orientation.
SWC CalWORKs Benefits & Services:
- Enrollment Priority- Level 1
- Academic/Career/Personal Counseling
- Work-Study, Internships & Job Placement Services
- On-campus childcare
- Educational Supplies (when funding permits)
- Informative workshops/webinars to help meet Welfare-To-Work (WTW) Program requirements
- Assistance in obtaining County supportive services through case workers (ETA/ECM) such as funds for textbooks, transportation, and childcare.
For further information, contact the CalWORKs Program, located in the Cesar Chavez Building (2nd floor), by phone (619)482-6510, or by email