Campus Clubs

Students should plan to participate in at least one social organization or activity with the goal to further develop social skills. A variety of chartered groups are organized on campus for the welfare and co-curricular interests of the general student body. : During the school year, the Office of Student Activities reviews and awards charters to clubs. Clubs at SWC cover a wide range of interests including but not limited to:

  • Academic clubs stimulate interest in activities related to courses and curricula, encourage high standards of performance in academic work, provide experiences to complement classroom activities, and provide opportunities for service and leadership in areas related to coursework.
  • Service clubs recognize and honor students for outstanding achievement in the community and service to the College, and provide opportunities for students to plan and execute programs of meaningful service to the College community.
  • Special interest clubs provide opportunities for students with mutual interests to organize for the purpose of investigating, developing, or expanding their common interests.
  • Honorary clubs recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in scholarship and provide opportunities for developing leadership ability.