High School Articulation (Early College Credit)

High school and adult school students may earn college credit through the High School Articulation (Early College Credit) program. Articulation agreements between area high schools and Southwestern College in Career Technical Education disciplines are designed to allow secondary school students (in high school or in adult school) to complete Career Technical Education training and potentially receive college credit. The District and high schools or adult schools enter into agreements based on California regulations and Southwestern College District administrative procedures.  

The Request for Articulation Form and supporting documents to initiate the articulation process are available from the designated Southwestern College school dean and shall be completed by high school faculty and supported with high school district CTE director/coordinator approval when requesting articulation. The Southwestern College designated school dean and support staff will review the proposed agreement and consult with the District discipline faculty member(s), District Articulation Officer, and Faculty Curriculum Committee Chair for consideration. The  designated dean and support staff will arrange meetings among appropriate high school and Southwestern College District faculty to clarify issues and develop the agreements. 

Articulated College credits are indicated on the student’s Southwestern Community College District transcript by the special notation “TP.” Unless otherwise specified in the Articulation agreement, college credit is granted the fall semester after completion of the class. In order to receive college credit, the following must occur:

  • High school /adult school student must obtain a Southwestern Community College District student identification number
  • Student must register in the state database (CATEMA or similar database)
  • Student must earn a “B” or better on the final exam or final project approved by Southwestern Community College District faculty, demonstrating course competency
  • Secondary school instructor must submit grades in the CATEMA database  or similar database

Once these steps are complete, the student college transcript will be notated with the letter grade earned. District fees will not be charged for college units earned through articulated course work. For more information on the High School Articulation (Early College Credit) process, contact the SWC School of Business at (619) 482-6570. 

Review the Credit for Prior Learning Courses page in the catalog and the SWC Credit for Prior Learning website for a list of courses approved for credit for prior learning assessment.