Student-Created Portfolio
Students may earn course credit by using a student-created portfolio as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee and approved by the SWC Curriculum Committee. Students may earn course credit through portfolio assessment when a course has been approved for portfolio assessment and an assessment rubric for the course is on file.
Students who wish to receive credit for a course based on a portfolio assessment must first submit the SWC Student Petition for Credit for Prior Learning then work with the department chair or faculty designee to receive further instructions, understand all portfolio requirements, and establish timelines. The student submits all portfolio documents to the department chair or faculty designee for assessment. If the department chair or faculty designee determine the student-created portfolio adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record, the appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the appropriate grade and forward the completed petition and supporting documents to the Admissions and Records Office to be kept on file and recorded on the student transcript.
Review the Credit for Prior Learning Courses page in the catalog and the SWC Credit for Prior Learning website for a list of courses approved for credit for prior learning assessment.
(Title 5 Section 55002, 55021, 55023 55025, 55050, 55051, 55052, AP 4235 - Credit for Prior Learning)