Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus

References:      Education Code Sections 67382, 67385, and 67386; 20 U.S. Code Section 1092(f); 34 Code of Federal Regulations Section 668.46(b)(11);  Administrative Procedure No. 3540 – (AP) Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus;

Any sexual assault or physical abuse, including, but not limited to rape as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student or member of the public, that occurs on College District property, in connection with all the academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs of the College District, whether those programs take place in the College District’s facilities or at another location, or on an off-campus site or facility maintained by the College District, or on grounds or facilities maintained by a student organization, is a violation of College District policies and procedures, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal procedures and employee or student discipline procedures. Students and employees who may be victims of sexual and other assaults shall be treated with dignity and provided comprehensive assistance.

The Superintendent/President shall establish administrative procedures that ensure that students and employees who are victims of sexual and other assaults receive appropriate information and treatment, and that educational information about preventing sexual violence is provided and publicized as required by law.

The procedures shall meet the criteria contained in Education Code Sections 67385, 67385.7, and 67386, and 34 Code of Federal Regulations Section 668.46.