Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)

California Community Colleges are now offering associate degrees for transfer to the CSU. These may include Associate in Arts (AA-T) or Associate in Science (AS-T) degrees. These degrees are designed to provide a clear pathway to a CSU major and baccalaureate degree. California Community College students who are awarded an AA-T or AS-T degree are guaranteed admission with junior standing somewhere in the CSU system and given priority admission consideration to their local CSU campus or to a program that is deemed similar to their community college major. This priority does not guarantee admission to specific majors or campuses.  

Students who have been awarded an AA-T or AS-T are able to complete their remaining requirements for the 120-unit baccalaureate degree within 60 semester or 90 quarter units.

To view the most current list offered at Southwestern College please go to the Associate Degree for Transfer.  Current and prospective community college students are encouraged to meet with a counselor to review their options for transfer and to develop an educational plan that best meets their goals and needs.

Note:  Students that have applied for CSU Admissions indicating they have or will have an AA-T/AS-T from Southwestern College must submit their graduation petition by October 1st for Fall and February 1st for Spring.

Associate in Arts Degree - Transfer

A degree program consisting of a minimum of 18 units in the major typically from the fields of humanities, fine and communication arts, social and behavioral sciences, and related fields. Some programs may mirror the lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same department. Others may lead to entry-level skills in the chosen field.

Associate in Science Degree - Transfer

A degree program consisting of a minimum of 18 units in the major typically from the fields of engineering, physical and biological sciences, and other occupational curricula. Some programs may mirror the lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same department. Others may lead to entry-level skills in the chosen field.