Change of Records

Change of Address

Update your contact information (mailing address, email address, and telephone number) online on WebAdvisor. Go to WebAdvisor (Students menu, or WebAdvisor for Students on MySWC), log in, and then select “update your email, telephone number, and address” under "User Account." Failure to comply with this may result in an administrative hold.

Change of Name

Any change of the student’s name should be reported to Admissions. Contact Admissions for acceptable forms of identification to submit for verification of the name change using the Address/Name Change form. Students reporting name changes during a semester are advised also to notify their instructors in order to maintain proper recognition and identification.

Students who would like a preferred first name that is different from their legal name to appear on class rosters and the online environment can make this request at the Admissions and Records office using the Preferred Name Change form.